(pikachu drilling in a construction zone)

Lilotl's Website

current mood: The current mood of lilotl at www.imood.com

Hi! I'm Owen; this website will mostly be filled with my art and interests while I try to learn html with NO COPY-PASTING (except links and short bits, but no layouts or large sections I don't understand)

Here's the old version of this site; it was mostly stolen from sadgrl's layout builder and backgrounds (although I will still take from the backgrounds there 'cause they are epic and gamer and swag 100).

Here's my other website with tons of copy-pasting that probably won't make sense w/o context from being in my dnd group or my friend

Also, most of the gifs here are taken from gifcities and link to the website they came from if you click on them. Buttons also have links to the source colon three.

walking cat gif

Cool Other Sites!!!

(warning, I don't know these people but their sites are very kewl)

The Intergalactic station

same bg as me, beautiful rain world art, falin dunmeshi mentioned, i took the rain world stamps from here, lore!!!

Insect.Christmas ʚïɞ

THIS WEBSITE IS SO COOL!!! not sure how to describe it, just very high quality; every part of the site has a soundtrack, this girlie has so many hobbies and interests, hopefully once i learn some more site stuff and gain more hobbies and interests i can make a similar site

Light on Tainted Glass

I FEEL LIKE I JUST READ A BOOK!!! Very high quality Rain World fanwork with its own local group completely separate from the base game one (also original art!)


lyn's site!apple site!
hollow knight button made directly in the neocities code editor, like an idiot button transgender flag button aromantic asexual sunset flag button world is mine miku button popipo miku button you're telling me a queer coded this??? button say no to web 3 button pai gon rating button chrome evil button this site is miku approved button

i love rain world stamp i love spearmaster stamp i love survivor stamp i love gourmand stamp i love rivulet stamp miku stamp nintendo 3ds stamp